
Find your cumulative total of a 1 Rep Max Bench/Squat/Deadlift. Timestamp of each max video clip will need to be completed within one hour; validated by club employee or trusted witness.

A $20 entry fee gets you into the competition. Once you have completed your challenge attempt, submit your weights (in lbs) and video evidence using the information contained below as well as the challenge FAQ page. *Must be a member of The Zoo Health Club to enroll in competition.

Athletes that successfully follow all rules and have their scores accepted by the club will earn a custom t-shirt, social media bragging rights & name on the wall under the prospective weight class.

When you are ready to begin your challenge, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Review

  • Read through all rules, movement standards and video requirements. *Posted below.

Step 2: Choose your target weight class and register with your club manager.

  • Digital Registration form
  • Payment due to the club prior to video submission. Receipts will need to be provided with video clips.
  • Payment can be made over the phone or at the front desk.

Step 3: Compete

  • Complete the challenge following all rules, movement standards and video submission requirements

Step 4: Submit Your Score

  • Submit your scores of the three lifts (Deadlift, Squat & Bench Press) to the club manager via email with the following information:
    • Video or video clips (Timestamped*)
    • 1 Receipt of Payment ($20)
    • 1 profile picture for social media
    • Your name (As you wish it to appear on the wall)
    • Your T-Shirt Size
  • Your approval or rejection will be within 48 hours of receipt.
  • Submissions  that do not have the required videos will be automatically rejected. You have 30 days to resubmit for the same weight class. 

Step 5: Judging and the Swag

  • After the managers have had a chance to review the submitted score, athlete’s will receive a ruling email stating if their score has been accepted or rejected with a reason why. With a congratulations post on social media.
  • Once the managers accept your scores and videos, your earned t-shirt will be available for pickup at your local Zoo Health Club.
    • Athletes will have their name posted in their registered Zoo club within 30 days.

See info below for official standards and to register.

  • T-shirts are only earned by following all rules, movement standards and video submission requirements. Scores without video evidence will not be accepted
  • T-shirts can be picked up at your local Zoo Health Club. Any shipping requests will incur a standard shipping charge of $10.
  • Competitors are not eligible for refunds for rejected scores as a result of not following rules, movement standards or on time score submissions.
  • An increase in weight class will not be accepted for a minimum of 90 days.
  • One t-shirt per paid $30.00 entry fee.

Accepted file types: docx, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.

Got questions?
Well, we’ve got answers

During the registration process, we use your email address and phone number to check if you already have an active Zoo Health Club Membership Account. If you do not have one, we will send you information on how to sign up for a membership through our website. Once registration is complete you will receive an email with your contract and directions on setting up The Zoo Health Club App. You will need to submit the enrollment form to the manager of the Zoo location you are a member of. *Management contact information subject to change.

The Zoo Health Club app is available for both iOS and Android. Search “Zoo Gym NH”

Draft an email to your manager …….@zoogymnh.com. Include date, video or video link of your Deadlift, Back Squat, Bench Press. Instructions are on the Scoring information sheet. A picture you’d like us to use for your social media shoutout, and your name, how’d you’d like it to be printed for the wall display.

In order to qualify for prizes, you must upload workout videos from your Google Drive directly to the email. Or use workout videos from a Youtube account and include the links in your email. Or use workout videos from a Dropbox  account and include the links in your email. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of your placing. A 30 day window will be in place for you to resubmit your results at no cost. All videos must abide by the parameters set forth by the particular event.

You can change your division prior to your submission. This will be approved or rejected by the club manager within a 48 hour window. To progress to the next weight class division, you will need to re-enroll with the $20 registration fee and follow the process to apply for the weight class division you are seeking. Mandatory 90 day wait period between re-applications.

Quarterly Challenges: Your shirt will be available for pickup at your home club. If for any reason your size is not in stock, allow for shipping in 3-4 weeks after close of the competition. You will receive an email with an expected delivery date within the 4 week window of anticipated pick up date.

1000lb Club: After your score has been accepted by our judging team, your name will be sent to production for addition to our bragging wall. The vinyl can take up to 3-4 weeks after the close of your submission approval. An email or text message will be sent to you once your name has been added to the wall.

Athletes that successfully follow all rules and have their scores accepted by the judges will earn a custom t-shirt. Athletes who do not submit a score or do not have their score accepted by the judging team will not receive a t-shirt.

A $20 entry fee gets you into the competition. Athletes that successfully follow all rules and have their scores accepted by the judges will earn a custom t-shirt, social media congratulations, and name on the weight wall.

Athlete’s that submit a total weight outside of their selected division will be automatically moved to the correct tier by our management team.

Competitors can submit and edit their score as many times as they would like in the first 30 days of their paid registration to earn a single accepted score by our judging team. After the 30 day period has expired, competitors will need to sign up for another attempt with a new $20 enrollment.. One earned t-shirt is awarded per paid registration.

One earned t-shirt is awarded per accepted score with a paid registration. A second registration is required to attempt a higher score than your previously accepted score.

Competitors are not eligible for refunds for rejected scores based on-not following rules, movement standards or on time score submissions. Registration fee is non refundable

Please allow for 48 hours for the manager to review. You will receive an email communication confirming the review. Acceptance or Rejection will come with the next steps and timeline details.

Please call the club and confirm receipt with the General Manager of that gym.

Bench press – Butt coming off the pad, poor video quality, arms not hitting 180°

Squat – Filming from a bad angle or not going deep enough. Make sure you re-rack the bar unassisted and do not drop the bar backwards from the top of the lift.

Deadlift – wearing lifting straps or dropping the bar from the top, performing a sumo deadlift, poor video quality

Weight (in lbs) needs to be clearly visible in clip, if plate sizes are not obvious. Loading/unloading the bar in the video clip is suggested.

Traditional Olympic lifting shoes are allowed, but not if they are modified in any way to further elevate the heels.

Yes, multiple bars may be used as long as they are all weighed confirmed to be the olympic weight of 45lbs. This will need to be verified on site with the club manager.

This challenge will remain open for the foreseeable future. Any termination of the challenge will have a 30 day notice.

The Zoo 1000lb challenge will only accept submissions in lbs, using The Zoo Health Club equipment.

If you have questions about the event or need support please contact your club manager, or submit a request for contact via our website, www.zoogymnh.com/contact-us